Saturday, May 24, 2008

God, space bubbles and sitcom stars

i just had an interesting dream. at an earlier point in the dream i was car shopping looking for vehicles to start up my own pizza delivery place. but after that was done me and a bunch of people i felt i knew at the time were on a sort of a space station on some planet. i realize now that i'm awake that none of these people were anyone i know. which makes me wonder if there are a dozen other people on this planet that had the same dream i did....anyway, they were telling me that God sometimes comes and takes people with Him to a certain place to start a new city. and sure enough, after some dream-time passed, He appeard in the form of a snapdragon flower. and there He was taking people one by one to a promised land of sorts. a spot on the planet with trees and grass (as opposed to the rocky desolate rest of the planet) and even though i saw it with my own eyes i didn't take it very seriously. so i went outside to jump around in low gravity and act silly. when i turned around to re-enter the space compound, my space-mates told me to turn around. when i did, i saw the giant flower form of God looking down at the spot i had just been. my space friends said "He came for you". i had a moment of doubt. only a very short one where i thought to myself "do i really want to go with him?" but then i ran as fast as my spacesuit would allow and leap towards Him and landing on the ground in front of Him. he said in an appropriatly booming God-voice "Hi". and he took me away to this new city of his. as i floated away, Danny Masterson from That 70s Show was standing there. i waved to him, he waved back and looked absolutly thrilled for me.


Rich said...

'Danny Masterson from That 70s Show was standing there. i waved to him, he waved back and looked absolutly thrilled for me'

I hope you woke up laughing your ass off!!! I am! haha how random.

theswamphare said...

That sounds like the dream Joseph Smith had.

Anonymous said...

Did God say "hi!" or "high?". Could change the whole meaning of the dream.

Maybe you should stop eating Taco Bell at midnight. It could just have been gas. lovemom

erin said...

Mom took my comment!!
And if I remember correctly, Mom SENT us to Taco Bell at midnight...
I'm just saying.
SO glad you started a blog.

Katie R. said...

Wow, that's some dream.

kristi noser said...

medication? what medication?

Kristin said...

I love That 70's Show!

What's impressive is how vividly you remember your dreams. Amazing what the brain will do when it's trying to reorder itself.

Taco Bell at midnight? Kathleen, seriously. McDizzle at midnight, that's the way to go.

LadyD said...

Sounds like a spiritual quest to me.....Like you are searching for God- Yet still not sure what you believe....And then in the end you give him your all.