Thursday, October 2, 2008

Free will and mistakes

this is an incomplete essay i've been working on. i just recently found it in my notebooks and thought id post it here in hopes of some feedback. help me finish writing this B.

Is it in our power to make mistakes? The focus is so often on whether or not we have free will enough to do the things we want. But what i wonder is if we have the power to screw it up. While we're walking down the path that He has laid out for us, can we walk off it?
Free will lends the argument that He sets the goal, and we find the path that leads us there.
I'm making the argument that He sets the path, we make the mistakes, and there is only one goal. Graduation. Oneness with him.


theswamphare said...

I think that the journey itself is the destination. We were talking at our 'Beta' class and I concluded that We are just where we are supposed to be 100% of the time, according to God's design; the question is: "What do we do while we are there?" The correct answer cannot be 'Look ahead to see what might be the next place.

Cat Piss said...

I think everyone agrees we make mistakes. Does God have a plan for everything, and does that plan include the mistakes we make? To say yes is troubling. That means that the Holocaust, murder, rape, genocide, abortion, and all manner of evil is an integral part of God's plan, that God intended for these "evil" things to occur. The existence of a divine plan in and of itself contradicts the notion of free will. Because the plan is his, not ours, it is his will that is exercising its freedom, not ours. If he has a plan, we are bound by that plan to play our respective parts. I would say there is no god, there is no plan, we each have the free will to make whatever choices we wish to make, and that we can each be held accountable for the choices we make. After all, how can you hold anyone accountable for their actions, if everything is a part of some divine will? The fault would then rest with God.