Monday, June 23, 2008

reason 17 of 238 why politicians are scum

so how much money gets spent on campaigns between all of the candidates. millions, surely. hundreds of millions, probably. billions, frighteningly. they spend all of this money on grade school-mindset, mudslinging television advertisements. motorcades comprised of SUV's and limos. and then they stand on television wearing their 5000 dollar suits and 500 dollar haircuts talking about how their isn't enough money. think of all the things they could do with that money. they could rebuild every home destroyed in new orleans. they could build thousands and thousands of parks. they could put a million kids through college. they could provide the health care that so much of the country lacks. they could provide the food that so much of the world lacks. but they don't do that, do they? they just sit on television talking about how they're going to find the money to help us, while they're spending the money that COULD help us.

bottom line: they don't care about us. not a single one of us. they care about their jobs. they care about their money. they care about their power.
they don't care about us.


kristi noser said...

Ah, the golden rule. Whoever has the gold...

Jessica The Drifter said...

You know...I was totally about to blog about this...again get outta my head ha ha!

Anonymous said...

the haves and the havenots. hoping one of these days that the haves will realize they can have and so can everyone else--they just need to look around and see the world that so desperately needs...

Stormspandies said...

You can't defame politicians, especially in a democracy. Democracy is the ultimate form of government because when the elected govern and their constituents object the governed can say: you consented to my appointment, so if you don't like the decision elect someone else. Objecting to their decisions is objecting to your own decision to vote for them. So don't hate on the politicians McClain, hate on the forces that put him there.